Thank you for visiting my blog.

My name is Anusha Gandhi and I live in Ottawa, Canada with my husband and my super cute fur baby.

Crampmystyleblog was created just before shit hit the fan. The goal was fairly selfish; to share my story in hopes of finding others who would allow me to feel less alone.

In late 2017, after nearly two decades of living with endometriosis, I was given the surprise diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. Tired, confused and having done very little research on the disease, I reached out to several facebook groups to see if anyone else within the endometriosis community also suffered from any form of IBD. One lovely angel – let’s call her Jane – reached out to me privately and verbally walked me through what to expect, what to ask the doctors, and called me off the proverbial ledge. So, crampmystyleblog transformed from that point into a safe place for other women who are at a tipping point, or on that medical ledge, who need someone else to let them know they are not alone on their crazy medical journey. The wiser I become about pain management, mental health and dietary issues the more I realize how important it is to focus on the things I can control: 1) the words I scribble down to share my journey, 2) the things I put into my body and 3) the way I can impact other people’s journey in a positive light, despite all the shit.

A little bit more about me

I grew up in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, and moved up to Ottawa in 2002 (when I was 19) to begin university. I completed an undergraduate degree and a Masters degree in Neuroscience at Carleton University. After graduating I jumped into a very empowering sales role at a biotech company that allowed me to work with hundreds of research organizations and companies around the world, plus the perk of travelling. My career led me to move to LA for two years, Vancouver for a year and then I finally came back to Ottawa. Some might say it was for love, but others would contest that it was because living on my own with so many health conditions was unsafe.

My career pivoted after years of banging my head against the medical wall. I started a company in 2022 called Femade; A pain management and wellness clinic for women, where they can find a safe space to explore alternative medicines in parallel to their medical treatments. My role at the clinic is not only to oversee the culture and the efficacy, but I offer an ear. Check out my Peer Navigator Tab for more information.

Aside from my career I spend a great deal of time sharing my insights on social media in hopes that my voice continues to inspire others to use theirs. You can follow me on Instagram (@crampmystyleblog) or Twitter (@crampmystyleblog).

If you are ever looking to collaborate please contact me at

My affiliations

Because my life has been devoted – both in my personal life and my career – to furthering access to care, I put myself at the table so I can be a pivotal part of the change that takes place in healthcare, and more specifically, women’s health.

I am a board member of the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Counsel where we adjudicate on technologies that should be approved in Ontario by the Ministry of Health.

I am a Director and Board Member of the Women’s Health Coalition of Canada, both at the National level and the Provincial level.

I am also an active member of various ‘patients with lived experience’ and pain Canada organizations.